Lucrări publicate ȋn  2021 ȋn reviste cu factor de impact

-Filipescu, A.; Ionescu, D.; Filipescu, A.; Mincă, E.; Simion, G. - Multifunctional Technology of Flexible Manufacturing on a Mechatronics Line with IRM and CAS, Ready for Industry 4.0. - MDPI, Processes 2021, Volume9, 864., 2020, ranked Q2 (Engineering&Chemical), Impact factor: 2,847.

- Condrachi, Larisa, Vilanova, Ramon, Meneses, Montse, Barbu, Marian - Anaerobic Digestion Process Control Using a Data-Driven Internal Model Control Method - ENERGIES,Volume 14, Issue 20, Article Number 6746, DOI 10.3390/en14206746, Impact factor: 3,004;

- Mînzu V, Ifrim G, Aramă I. - Control of Microalgae Growth in Artificially Lighted Photobioreactors Using Metaheuristic-Based Predictions - Sensors. 2021; 21(23):8065. DOI10.3390/s21238065; Impact factor: 3.576;

- Oprea SV, Bâra A, Ifrim GA. - Optimizing the Electricity Consumption with a High Degree of Flexibility Using a Dynamic Tariff and Stackelberg Game - Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 2021; 190(1):151-182; Impact factor: 2,249


Lucrări publicate ȋn  2021 ȋn proceedings indexate ISI si BDI

1.Ionescu, D., Cernega, D., Solea, R., Filipescu,  A., Simion, G., Filipescu, A., Jr.,- CAS and IRM Integrated into a Multifunctional Flexible Manufacturing Technology on an A/D/RML -  Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, Iasi, Romania, October 20-23, 2021, 978-1-6654-1496-8/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE, pp: 541-546.;

2. George Ifrim, Marian Barbu, Georgiana Horincar, Mariana Titica - Data-Driven Multivariable Control of a Microalgae Growth Process - 2021 25th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC);

3. Larisa Condrachi, Ramon Vilanova, Marian Barbu - Data-Driven Internal Model Control of an Anaerobic Digestion Process - 2021 25th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC);

4. Iulian Vasiliev, Laurențiu Luca, Marian Barbu, Alina Pricopie, Sergiu Caraman - Mathematical Model of a Collecting and Wastewater Treatment Integrated System - 2021 25th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC);

5. Irina Luca, Larisa Condrachi, Laurențiu Luca, Ramon Vilanova, Marian Barbu - Testing Platform for Real-Time Controllers Based on Hardware In the Loop Simulation - 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA);

6. Liliana Maria Ghinea, Ion Necoară, Marian Barbu - Random coordinate descent methods for non-separable composite optimization - 2021 European Control Conference (ECC);

7. Mînzu V, Ifrim GA. - Optimal Control of Microalgae Growth in Artificially Lighted Photobioreactors: Case study: closed-loop solution for a bilocal optimization problem - 7th International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ISEEE 2021, Oct. 28 – 30, Galati, Romania, IEEEXplore Digital Library, 2021: 1-7;

8. Horincar G, Mogodan M, Simionov I, Ifrim GA. - Batch cultivation of Desmodesmus pseudocommunis in a flat-plate photobioreactor - The 10th International Symposium Euro-Aliment 2021, Oct. 7 – 8, Galati, Romania

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